First Week Update
First off all wow and thank you. We are all blown away from the response we have been getting. Receiving messages from the home, and the other side of the world with praise about the shirts, and everyone excited to spread the underwater hockey message. It is truly amazing.
We ran the "Share and Win" contest on Facebook to win a shirt shipped right to your door. We have entered all the shares from the contest and huge congrats to......................... Christian Jansen from South Africa who now lives in London, England (we think... Facebook wont let us see much). If your friends or play with Christian please let him know to contact us so he can choose his shirt. Stay tuned we will do another contest soon. Also like us to get an easy 5% off your next order on top of any other offer!!
New Shirts
We have added a bunch of new shirts that we have been waiting on, a killer shirt for France, Germany, and Indonesia. Seeing these makes us want to hop on a plane and play around the world.
Buddy Upson - Year of Cycling
Please keep in mind what Buddy Upson from UK is about to start. Buddy is Cycling from Melbourne to the UK raising money for two charities which will take about a year most of which he will have to spend solo. AMAZING! BUDDY KEEP IT UP! He is however playing UWH where he can along the way. Follow Buddy Upson on twitter @buddyupson or his website We will keep you updated as his trip begins and progresses.
Team/Club Fundraising
Already in the first week we are in talks with some pretty big clubs and tournaments here in North America. We are really happy about being able to offer this to other clubs so if your a smaller club who can't afford to order T-shirts upfront, we have your solution. Fill out the form on the website for more information.
Keep playing! Hungary 2013 is getting closer and closer!
- UWH Team